Thursday, November 8, 2007

a hero

I think that a hero is someone who stands up for people. A hero typically brings hope. Heroes fight for what is right no matter what danger it brings to them. They are helpful, brave, and try to keep balance. Some people believe heroes are perfect, but most of the time heroes aren't perfect its their flaws that keep them humble or from letting power go to their head. I think heroes do change over time because its apart of them growing and reaching their full potential.


zjestus6 said...

Ya, that's what I was thinking a hero was, someone who stands up for what is right.

amorales6 said...

I definitely agree with you when you say most heroes aren't perfect.

slayeni6 said...

I think the same way to. Heroes do bring hope and fight for what is right and about how heroes arent perfect. No one is.